Tag Archives: children

#Romney Shows Good Judgement By Reading the Fine Print #tcot #gop #obama

Romney’s ability to discriminate between a good and a bad pledge isn’t startling to me, it actually demonstrates his good judgement. I am glad that he won’t do ANYTHING as long as it’s deemed “conservative.”

Blustery conservative rhetoric is not enough to get my vote (e.g. Joe Miller, Michele Bachmann), demonstrably good judgement is far better.

Amplify’d from www.thirdage.com

The Romney campaign says that while their candidate “strongly supports traditional marriage,” he refused to sign the pledge on the basis that it “contained references and provisions that were undignified and inappropriate for a presidential campaign.”

The part of the pledge in question involves a preamble that suggests black children born into slavery had better family structures than black children now, CNN said. Following the controversy surrounding the passage, Family Leader removed the statement.

Read more at www.thirdage.com